ABSTRACT RISK0001C — 2023 | New Practice in Art and Technology ABOUTThesis research on the political / economic / technological history financialization, derivatives, and abstraction.
TAGSresearch, writing

CITATIONS (PANELS I - III) 0003A  — 2024  ABOUTAn ongoing series of works on visualizing abstract economic processes using citating, sampling, and collaging as methods.
TAGS works, mixed media

THE WAIT 0004A — 2020 | By Gabber Eleganza ABOUTThree-channel video using archival documentary footage of queues and lines of legendary 90s Gabber raves. Shown at Trauma Bar & Kino.
TAGS works, video, editing

REJECT REALITY / EMBRACE BELIEF0002B – 2021 | New Models Y2K20 Codex ABOUTOn conspiracy theories, the alt right, meme magick and the crisis of reality.  
TAGS writing, essay

I'M GOING TO A SHOW (IN A VIDEOGAME)0001B – 2021 | New Models Y2K20 Codex ABOUTOn gaming platforms, socializing online, and the Covid19 pandemic. TAGS writing, essay

0001A  —  2022
ABOUTA video installation dealing with computational prediction and divination. With Maurice Wald.
TAGS works, video, installation

AESTHETICS OF INTERIORIZATION0003D — 2022 | Focus on Transformation ConferenceABOUTLecture on visual paradigms of interiorization and containment from colonial maps ot Blue Marble to planetary scale computation.
TAGSother, lecture, research

VIRTUALITITES AND WORLDBUILDING0002D — 2021 | University of Arts BerlinABOUTTransdisciplinary design studio on virtuality as potentiality and possibility and worldbuilding as critical design practice.
TAGS other, teaching, writing

LECTURE AND WORKSHOP SERIES0001D — 2021 | University of Arts BerlinABOUTInitiated, co-curated and -facilitated a lecture and workshop series featuring Black Swan DAO, the Strelka Insitute, and Doireann O’Malley among others that later developed into Loops.

TAGS other, organization, facilitation